RFID Philharmonie de Paris
Date: 2021
Location: Philharmonie de Paris, France
Technologies: Python, Django Admin, RFID, Video recording, ZMQ, ffmpeg
This project was for the Philharmonie des enfants, which is a new museum designed for kids. The goal is to track what the kid is doing on 4 interactives (not by me), in order to send a email with live video of its performances when he leave the exhibition.
On this challenging projects, multiple realisation:
- Specifications and supervision of the conception of a electronic card for RFID, lightning and buzzer. The electronic card have been done by FabLab Lille.
- A multi-pieces elements to protect, assemble all the layers necessary for fixing the device under the furnitures (wood or metal), leaving only the “top” accessible for the visitor, 3D printed.
- A Python/Windows client that others contractors used to simulate RFID badge for their application
- A Python/ffmpeg/async server that capture video/audio when instructed, deployed on 4 locations in the museum
- A global multi layered API/frontend server that gather all the statistics on RFID badging, applications, and handle video processings for all the visitors, introduction flow and badging flow. It also give nice dashboard for following visitors traffics.
This is a project produced by Devocite